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Who Killed Resilience?

This October, We will demystify resilience through a murder mystery themed conference, all through the lens of the Lumina Spark assessment.

? Date and time:Saturday, October 19 · 10am – 5:30pm HKT 

? Location:1F Marine Room, Auberge Discovery Bay Hong Kong (88 Siena Avenue Discovery Bay)

It’s 2024. We’re in post pandemic world with a dividing clash of values on hybrid working. Despite recent reassurances, the shadowy spectre of AI looms, casting doubt upon the future of employment. Workforces diminish under soaring expectations. Industries are merging and shifting. Stress levels are spiking, and resources are dwindling.

With so much focus on performance, relationships, and wellbeing right now, the pressure mounts and the cracks begin to show. We can all agree that Resilience in the workplace is vital. Resilience is the backbone of teams, the bedrock of adaptability…

But something has happened to Resilience. Resilience was discovered lifeless in the early hours. The autopsy has revealed something sinister. Resilience was murdered. How? Who did it? And what can we do to get it back?


The largest social experiment on the planet … working from home

The recent virus outbreak has disrupted business, closed-off communities and many families are scrambling to cope. Fear and frustration casts a pall over the cities and citizens scan newsfeeds trying to discern news from rumour.
And through all of this, the largest social experiment on the planet is taking place right now … working from home. In this issue:

– The Virus and working from home
– Virtual Solutions for doing business
– Outdoor Alternatives
-Official Partner of EcoMatcher
– Lumina Sparks
– Updated Website

Our business was a blend of face-to-face and virtual solutions, and we quickly redeveloped these solutions to meet the crises. We chose to take action rather than sitting back and riding it out.
So yes, in this email we will outline a selection of our solutions, but I also wanted to share

10 things we learned by working from home:

1. Teenagers go stir-crazy faster than adults

2. Cats are happier with constant attention

3. Cats become more vocal during conference calls

4. We have more family meals together and we talk more

5. We are surprisingly productive during short bursts, and family interaction forces us to take breaks

6. The great outdoors really are great (especially this time of year in HK)

7. The kindness of strangers is a powerful connector

8. Bursts of innovation can light up the darkness

9. It’s ok to ask for help … you’ll also learn what friendship really means

10. We created a bunch of virtual solutions with our clients and friends faster than we thought possible
Your business doesn’t need to grind to a halt during these times and with the right mix of ingenuity and gumption, you can keep your teams connected, strong and productive.

Art of Awakening – Visual Facilitation Lab (Hong Kong)

Visual Facilitation Lab – Hong Kong

( Mar. 13-14, 2020)


Why this workshop?

Successful meetings are well designed and facilitated, deliver great outcomes, and empower participants to move forward with clarity, tools and ideas to make meaningful change.

Graphic facilitation is the process of identifying, expressing, and moving ideas and conversations forward using visual tools, models, and methods. In a business world of growing complexity and challenges for our attention, there is an urgent need for clarity in our communication, identifying and expressing a clear and compelling vision as a leader, and having a broader range of tools for team engagement as a facilitator.